balance & heal
What is EFT / Tapping?
Emotional Freedom Technology & Thought Field TherapyÂ
EFT & TFT are therapies based on the ancient principle of acupuncture, focusing on meridian points, without the use of needles. EFT & TFT, also referred to as tapping, uses a technique that gently balances the body’s energy system. It gives you the power to heal yourself by calming the central nervous system while working through emotions and resolving trauma.  Millions of people worldwide have used this healing practice to alleviate depression, distress, anxiety, phobia’s trauma and pain.Â
While both EFT & TFT are similar and effective treatments, EFT is more commonly used. TFT was first developed by DR. Roger Callahan in the early 1980’s. EFT, a more simplified version, was developed by one of Dr. Callahan’s students, Gary Craig. EFT uses the same generalized sequence, tapping all of the acupuncture points every time, regardless of the issue being addressed. TFT is more customized, using a different set of unique tapping patterns, algorithms, for each problem category.

What to expect during an EFT/TFT session:
Most sessions take about one hour. Sitting in a comfortable chair, an initial discussion will take place regarding the emotion, fear/phobia, distress, trauma, pain ect, that the client is looking to alleviate. Then, while tuning into your body and focusing on the emotion, you will be guided through a series of tapping sequences. The goal is to make lasting changes in the clients emotional wellbeing. Some issues can be cleared within 1-2 sessions. Issues that are complex, persistent or deep rooted, may take longer and require multiple sessions.